Kinniku Animation Studio is a creative production agency that brings animation and video productions to life. At Kinniku Animation Studio, we nurture creativity right down to the last second to make sure we bring out the best in your story. We work with a large network of vibrant creatives. We are flexible and bursting with energy!
Bringing ideas to life is our passion! We believe that having an energetic flow is a must to achieve the best end result, because animations should stimulate.
Our portfolio includes informational animations, instructional films, corporate films, promotional films and more…
The Founding
Atep, the owner and founder has been active as animation and film producer for over 13 years. If you need a professional assistance or collaboration in any multimedia project get in touch with us. Visit the portfolio for details.
Email us at for additional information regarding our step by step services to help you bring your animations to life!
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Come say hi.
Contact us
Atep M Email: Whatsapp: +6281770260642